Our Final Video

Our Final Website

Our Final Album Cover

Our Final Album Cover

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Evaluation Questions

1. What do you think you learnt from Monday's workshop? You could discuss anything you like - technical, performance, production process, directing, the various roles, specific skills - anything you think is relevant.
From completing the workshop, I learnt a number of things relating to performance, technical aspects and the production process as a whole.

Firstly I learnt how the preparation for the day was extremely important. The dance routines needed to be learnt and perfected in order for the actual performance to look good and similar to the real version of the video. There was also a lot to think about in order to have everything ready for the day including costumes and props to be organised. We had to construct sets including the library which everyone took part in to help. All this was incredibly important if we wanted our video to look like the original.

Performing on the day has helped me grow in confidence in front of the camera. I’ve learnt just to have fun and relax and not be too nervous because it’s actually not that bad! With this video, I’ve also learnt you have to be over the top a lot in order to get the desired effect as the video was really lively. I’ve learnt to be confident and not worry about looking silly because once you look back on yourself, you really look the part.

On the day, I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to help out with some technical aspects. I got to work as a grip which was pushing the dolly which the camera was on. At first I was nervous in case I messed up but once I got the hang of it, it was quite easy. I also got to assist with lights and I learnt about the different lighting needed for the different sets. By helping out with some of the equipment, I also saw how important it is for everyone to work together and for the cast and crew to coordinate and communicate with each other so everything runs smoothly.

2. For you, what was the best bit of the day and why?

I think the best part of the day was when we were shooting our corridor scene. At first we were all nervous but after a few retakes, we all had the hang of it and so were much more confident in front of the camera. It was fun to all be doing the dance together and I enjoyed working with my classmates.

I also enjoyed watching the screen where we could see exactly what it was going to look like. It was interesting to see what the finished product would be like.

I also enjoyed talking to the crew about how everything worked and how it was all going to fit together. This gave me a better understanding and things to think about when filming my own music video.

3. Are you pleased with your edit? Is it how you expected it to look? Identify the successes and failures of your edited version. In hindsight, what would you do differently at the production stage?

I didn’t expect the edit to actually be as good as it has turned out. The shots were all so carefully planned and shot that it fits into the sequence really well. I’m pleased with the finished product and think we did a good version. A few things did go wrong however I don’t think these are too noticeable when watching the video.

The things that went a bit wrong is that we missed out parts of some shot for example the shot before the main girl walking through the tunnel of hoops however when editing, I think we covered it up fairly well with a different shot.

I think the library shots worked really well and are very similar to the original video. The actors all look the part and I think the crew did a good job in making it look the way it does.

4. Have the lip sync tasks benefitted you in any way?

I think the two lip sync tasks we did were extremely beneficial. At first they were rather embarrassing and when filming the first ‘In the Sun’ one it took a while for us to get confidence and really act out rather than just sing. However by the second one, I think everyone was much more confident and more looking forward to it. They were fun to film and helped up practice lip-syncing for when we have to do our real music video which is going to help us look more professional.

5. How do you think the work you have completed for the preliminary tasks will impact on your real music video project?

All the preliminary tasks have been extremely helpful. All the skills and techniques we have used are the same that we are going to need for our real project so they have given us some practice and experience.

Jumping straight into making our own music video would have been really difficult so these tasks have helped prepare us.

The pre production and preparation for the day has helped me realise the importance of it all and so when making my real music video, i'll know that i have to think a lot about all the important aspects such as dance routines, costumes and props in order for everything to go to plan.

The actual production has taught me the importance of everyone working together to coordinate and get everything done.

The lip sync and editing tasks have been extremely helpful and have given me the practice i need to make my real music video and so have impacted greatly.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Music Video

The music video i have chosen to write about is 'Here it Goes Again' by Ok Go

I've chosen a very simple video in terms of camera work as it is quite clear the camera stays in one position the whole time and that the whole video was shot in one take. However the overall video was very popular due to the choreography. The band chose a clever idea in which to dance on treadmills which really grabbed audiences interest. This video has showed me that not all music videos are about special effects and narratives. Even though these things are good, this video shows, that even without it, a music video can still be as effective.


So far the course has been really interesting. When we had our first lesson and were given and overview of what we would be doing this term and next, i was really interested and thought it would be great fun. So far, I've really enjoyed the lessons. We've had discussions with Jake, a director and also previous Latymer students who went on to study media at university. It was great to talk and listen to these people as they shared their experiences and gave us a lot of information.

On the workshop day, we will be remaking the video below, 'In the Sun' by She and Him. When i first saw the video i admittedly wasn't too keen but it's definately grown on me and i'm looking forward to the day of shooting. We've had Jasmine Blackborow teach us the dance routines and its been a lot of fun.

I'm looking forward to editing the video and having a finished product and I'm most excited about next term when we start making our own videos.